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SQL Server 2012 Certification – Learn what are the SMEs


Recently Microsoft at Born To Learn announced the availability of SQL Server Beta exams 2012 (http://borntolearn.mslearn.net/btl/b/weblog/archive/2012/03/22/register-for-sql-server-2012-beta-exams.aspx) and previously had in advance some changes in SQL Server 2012 certifications (http://www.marcelosincic.com.br/blog/post/Treinamentos-Oficiais-e-Certificacao-para-SQL-Server-2012.aspx).

Now it was announced and released the official trails for certification on SQL Server 2012 http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/cert-sql-server.aspx#tab2.

It is very interesting to know how it is done the process of developing a certification exam.

In Microsoft Connect website, used for product testing, there are groups of SME (Subject Matter Expert) on products and issues, on which I sit and others can subscribe and filling out a questionnaire for qualification in https://connect.microsoft.com/site862

When a new survey is planned to receive an email with a survey about what previous examination and asking for improvement in these examinations questions. For example, in the case of SQL Server 2012 received an email with the search and was able to indicate which parts of the examination I found that could be altered and suggest new items or to a new format.

Having already been part of one of the groups I can tell you that the process is very rigorous and involves a market research where it is endorsed to facilitate a hiring process and allocation of a professional.

For example, in Windows Server 2008 that examination has been updated to version R2 shortly, SMEs were an example of how would the Simulator and topics that would be discussed. All needed to assume a commitment to non-disclosure (NDA) which reflects the concern of Microsoft not to leak the information.

So be sure to do an exam you will be tested on which companies seek and the international market is demanding that a professional learn to do. The presence of people outside Microsoft chosen by profile as SME is the assurance that an examination reflects the real world.

Still have questions, please read the post on Born to Learn http://borntolearn.mslearn.net/btl/b/weblog/archive/2012/02/29/subject-matter-experts-we-want-to-hear-what-you-think.aspx

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